Sunday 12 February 2017

Shaun Vembutty | Advantages of Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investments are Less Risky

As compared to other investment strategies, less of misadventure is involved in a real estate property. Shaun Vembutty will not get away from the fact that just like any investment you make; you have the risk of losing it. Real estate investments are typically considered a stable and rich gainer, provided if one takes it seriously and with full sagacity. The reasons for the real estate investments becoming less risky adventure primarily relate to various socio-economic factors, location, market behavior, the population solidity of an area; mortgage interest rate stability; good history of land appreciation, less of inflation and many more. As a rule of thumb, if you have a geographical area where there are plenty of resources accessible and low stable mortgage rates, you have good reason for investing in the real estate market of such a region. On the contrary, if you have the condo in a place, which is growing under the high inflation, it is far-fetched to even think of investing in its real estate market.

No Need for Huge Starting Capital

A real estate property in Canada can be procured for an initial amount as low as $8,000 to $ 15,000, and the remaining quantity can be taken on holding the property as security. This is what you call High Ratio Funding. If you don't have the idea as to how it works.

Honing Investment Skills

A real estate investment, especially when you buy a condo for yourself, will be a pleasurable learning experience. It gives you the opportunity to learn and when I went ahead with my first real estate property, I was totally a dump man. Ask me now, and I can tell you everything, from A to Z. Necessity is the mother of all inventions.Shaun Vembutty had the necessity to buy the property and so I tried with it, and I was successful.Shaun Vembutty acquired all the knowledge and skills through experience of selling and purchasing the residential property. Thanks to my job. It gave me the experience to become an investor.

Not a time taking Adventure

Real estate investment will not take out all your energies, until you are prepared and foresighted to take the adventure in full swing. You can save hell lot of time, if you are cautious enough to know the techniques of making a careful investment in the right time and when there are good market conditions existing at that point of time.